This call for proposals is part of the Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa - a cornerstone of the Regional Teachers’ Initiative for Africa - supports policy reforms, innovations, and research in key areas of teacher governance and teacher education & professional development. It fosters collaboration among teachers, teacher trainers, and policymakers in Sub-Saharan Africa and establishes strategic and technical partnerships with Europe. The Facility is implemented by Expertise France Enabel, VVOB, APEFE and EDUFI.

We are pleased to announce the  two calls for proposals.  aiming to support initiatives led by public and non-state actors to enhance teacher education and professional development in Sub-Saharan Africa.

  • The Call for Proposals 1 (“Innovative Solutions for Teacher Education”) managed by Enabel/Wehubit focusses on identifying and supporting the scaling-up of innovative solutions to enhance the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of initial and continuous teacher professional development. 

  • The Call for Proposals 2 (“Support to teachers in crisis contexts”) managed by Expertise France addresses the acute challenges faced by educators in fragile and crisis settings affected by conflicts, displacements, or natural disasters, where teachers must adapt pedagogical methods, manage stress and trauma, and work with limited resources.

Please consult the Q&A document containing the main questions asked and the answers already given for this call for proposals.

 Information Webinars:

More information about both Calls? Click on this link to view the presentations made at the information session on 12 June. Watch the recorded video :


How to apply for Call for Proposals 1 (Innovative solutions)?

If you are interested in applying for a grant for CfP 1 we invite you to download the technical guidelines and carefully read all the information regarding the process. These documents contain all the necessary information and instructions to be followed for submitting your project. 

If you feel that your project is in line with the guidelines, please go to the online application form and click on the 'APPLY' button. Within this application form you will be asked to answer questions and upload the required documents (see guidelines). Templates are provided within the webform. Applicants must ensure that their forms and annexes are complete. Incomplete applications will be rejected.

Please note that this is not the online application form of the second Call for Proposals within this framework, which is managed by Expertise France and aims to strengthen teachers performance and quality education in fragile settings. More information about this other Call for Proposals 2 can be found here.



Launch Call for Proposals

05 june 2024*


InfoPoint Webinar (EN/FR/PO)

12 June 2024*

11:00 (EN)

13:00 (FR)

15:00 (PT)

Deadline for clarification requests to the contracting authority

26 June 2024*


Last date on which clarifications are given by the contracting authority

03 July 2024*


Deadline for submitting Grant applications – concept notes (1st round)

15 July 2024*


Notification of results of the Grant application – concept notes (1st round)

07 August 2024*


Invitation for the second round – Proposals (2nd round)

07 August 2024*


Deadline for submitting Grant applications – Proposals (2nd round)

15 September 2024*


Request certificates and supporting documents relating to the grounds for exclusion (see 2.1.1 )

19 September 2024*


Receipt of certificates and supporting documents relating to the grounds for exclusion

01 October 2024*


Notification of results of the Grant application - Proposals (2nd round)

02 October 2024*


Signature of the Agreement

October 2024*


Start Implementation Period

01 November 2024*


* Provisional date. All times are in the local time of the contracting authority