Wehubit 1.0 - 2018-2023 :
Between 2018 and 2023, a first Wehubit programme received its core funding from Belgium, and has been implemented by Enabel, the Belgian development agency. It was guided by a Steering Committee, which was the strategic body overseeing the programme management. The Secretariat of the Steering Committee was ensured by Wehubit’s Manager.
From May 2021, Wehubit was also funded by the European Union, under a 6th Call for Proposals implemented by AFD and Enabel.
For more information about the projects, click here !

Wehubit 2.0 - 2024-2026 :
Unlike the former programme, Wehubit 2.0 takes the form of several unique sub-programmes under Enabel's Innovation Hub, implementing Calls for Proposals on specific issues financed by multi stakeholders.
The common ground of all these sub-programmes is the similar methodology to identify promising social innovations ready to be scaled, and the aim to support these innovations in growing their impact.
Each Call for Proposals falling under Enabel's Innovation Hub focuses on public institutions and other “not-for-profit“ actors such as academia, civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social enterprises.